Dandy style: the classical

In our last post, we started writing about the origin of the female dandy style. Today we continue in that direction, mentioning another important people and events that influenced the development of the style.
With refined creativity, female dandies crossed gender lines towards traditionally masculine traits. Gentlemanly elegance and masculine dress, served to emphasize the sexualized and idealized female physique in the same way that it had always done for the male body. We can see these aesthetics perfectly embodied by Marlene Dietrich At Cafe De Paris, 1954 (photo below).
marlene-dietrichAt Cafe De Paris, C. 1954.2x
A very important turning point for the acceptance of the look was the creation of the Le Smoking (photo 6) by Yves Saint Laurent in his 1966 fall collection. The collection was not initially well received by critics at a time. It will take effort and strength from spoke persons such as Anjelica Huston (photo 4 and 7 – taken for Italian Vogue 1972) or Bianca Jagger (photo 5) to promote the style. We can say that it was almost after a decade and the Woody Allen’s classic film “Annie Hall” in 1977, that the idea of a woman wearing pants and tuxedo will start to be accepted by the public.

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When I say classical dandy style, I refer to the simple male-derived look: tuxedo, trousers, vast and oxfords shoes. The color range is also simple > black – grey-white. However, we will finish our post with a colorful gallery for your enjoyment!

D.brunello cucinelli
Brunello Cucinelli Fall 2018
D.theory f17
Theory Fall 2017
D.dolce and gabbana f18
Dolce and Gabbana Fall 2018

In case you missed something, check our Dandy Category now!

Nadica M

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